What We Believe


We believe that the Bible is the authoritative revelation from God to men and that it is completely without error, uniquely inspired through the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures, therefore, are the only reliable guideposts in matters of faith and practice.


We believe in the Trinity — Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All three are equally God, are of one substance, and are without beginning or end.


We believe that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man, conceived of the Holy Spirit and virgin-born to Mary. He died on the cross as our substitute, taking upon Himself the penalty for our sin. He was buried and was physically resurrected to prove the completeness of His work, providing our victory over sin and death.


We believe that man was created to enjoy a close, intimate relation to God, but that he sinned, and thereby fell under God's judgment — physically in death, spiritually in alienation from God. All mankind has inherited this state and a sinful nature, which renders him totally unable on his own merit to gain salvation, or to regain his former position of fellowship with God. God's remedy for man's ruin is thus entirely of grace through one's personal trust in what Christ completed for him on the cross.


We believe in the personal, imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ prior to the establishment of His kingdom on the earth. Those who are believers shall be forever in the presence of God, and those who have rejected Christ will be separated from God forever.

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